As I write this to you I am sitting in my freezing cold living room in Amherst, MA. Poor college student = can't afford heating bills = wear coats inside. Sorry it has been quite a while since I have last put up any thoughts or updates. My bad.
Well, the summer has come and gone, and with its exit came my final move for a little while, this time out to Amherst to start graduate school. After moving back from England I spent the summer at L'abri Fellowship. It was a really good time of being with people who are asking really tough questions of what Christianity is all about. Oh, and also just chillin' for a couple of months and developing my table sport skills. Although I have to admit that more than once I felt as if I was in some sort of grown up summer camp, it was a really well spent couple months.
School has been in session for about a month and a half now and I am really feeling the pressure. There truly is no end to how much time that I could spend studying so I need to learn to find balance. It doesn't help much that I set my proverbial bars quite high and that it has been tough to get back into the discipline of being an information sponge and synthesizer. Despite the stress, I am so happy to be here and really am so lucky to be free of commitments that would make it tough to dedicate myself to study and live on very little money. Although I don't want this to be a statement that I am still making 5 years from now, I must say that living at the poverty line is great. I realize that is much more easily said from the position of someone who is not providing for anyone else, has a supportive social network that would help with financial need, and already has access to assets like a reliable car, but as Puffy said (or perhaps it was 'Biggy') "Mo' money, mo problems". And I believe this is true.
I had a bit of a housing crisis when I first moved out here but ended up falling in with some really great fellas through a long string of people who knew people who knew people. It is a great house and I am excited to be living with these guys. I suspect that if anyone is spending time reading this incredibly banal abstract of my life you must know me personally in some respect. If that is the case, please know that our house is very large and you most certainly have a place to stay if you are ever in the Northeast.
I have recently had a devolution to a fifteen year old and have sucummbed to the peer pressure of hopping on the MySpace train....I believe I am what they call in marketing terms a "late adopter". if you want to be "friends".
I will leave it there for now and promise to be ever so vigilant about keeping up to date.