It is now into the wee hours of the night and I am reminded of a fantastic song by the group Chicago. Tonight is the last in a string of three night shifts that I have done at Simon House and I am ready to get back on a regular sleep schedule.
Nightshifts are great in the sense that I am able to get some studying done for the GRE, catch up on emails, and work on graduate school applications, but they also mean that I end up sleeping half of the next day or not sleeping enough and being in a haze. In addition, I have been reminded from my college cramming-the-night-before-an-exam days that the brain begins to slow down when it is tired and its ability to process information is severely diminished. I would guess that a couple hours of studying at 2 in the morning (which doesn’t really happen anyways) is roughly equal to a good 30 minutes of studying at 6 in the evening while doped up on caffeine. Yet another downside to the nightshift is that Simon House is at least a 45 minute trip from Anton Street so the commute adds up to a good chunk of time as well.
If I was one of those changeable mood magnets on a refrigerator, my mood would currently be: “FRUSTRATED”. There are so many good things and so many bad things about this community and as is the case with bad things, they have a way of standing out above the good.
I feel as if the past few weeks have been really busy for me and, while I guess they have been, I don’t feel as if I have accomplished much. We have been able to hold down the fort at Anton Street in Isabel’s absence and I have learned logistical things along the way so that is good I suppose.
If there is one human emotion that has screamed at me (literally in some cases) since I have arrived it is anger, with a capital “grrrrrr”. People are just so angry…..chill out people, chill. People are angry about being in the kitchen when they are making soup, people are angry about you eating a knifeful of Peanut Butter when you haven’t eaten all day, people are angry about other people’s lifestyle decisions, and people are very, very angry when they don’t get things their way. Especially when someone else gets their way. Chill people….chill.
The next month is going to be crunch time with respect to finishing my GRE preparation and finalizing graduate school applications. This, coupled with increased responsibility in the Community, is going to make for a STRESSFUL next month or month and half.
Please continue to be in prayer that….
-Anton Street would grow and that as we grow we will be able to develop a sense of community within the household.
- I would be able to lead in general, but specifically that I would be able to exhibit a “cooperative leadership” approach that I think has got to be necessary in a democratic community
- I would be able to effectively segment my time between my life in the community and my preparation for graduate school. A social life of some kind might be nice too:)
-That there would be peace among the Community at large and that we would begin to work together and not against each other. That would be a miracle….I’ll let you know when it happens:)
Much love to y’all, Chris